MMS Website Readme
Welcome to MMS Golf Center, a community of avid golfers in Middlesex, Mercer and Somerset counties in New Jersey. Our goal is to create a fun and competitive team sports environment for everyone.
In the Homepage, a series of scenic pictures flashing every 5 seconds
exhibit beauty of nature and life. These pictures (total 20) are contributed by
team members. You’re encouraged to send your pictures and share in
the Homepage.
The top buttons:
And two photo albums for Sino Star and MMS. Below the picture are links that redirect to a specific function:
This site allows you to line up Group A/B or find player statistics standings. Player Standings include Last 10 Avg HCP, All Game Avg score, Last 10 Scores, etc.
a. Line up Group A/B
(1) Select each player’s alias from list C1 – C5. If you don’t
know player’s alias, refer to "The alias table” at the bottom
of the page. The number of players must be multiples of 4 (4, 8, 12,
16, 20, 24, 28, 32), you can input the alias as well, follow the format like:
>> KJ/MC/Yi=10/JS/LX/DW=8/DK/YY (using = to overwirte hcp from db)
>> KJ/MC/Yi/JS/LX/DW/Larry=13/YQ=14 (using this self-defined hcp for new guys)
(2) Click “Build-List” button
(3) If you make a mistake, click “Reset” to clear players alias check and the input
(4) Click “Submit”
(5) A few group line-ups displaying Group ABS Total/# of Group A total players, Average HCP for Group A-B will show up
"JZ's Pick" was added as a new feature and default enabled to minimize the hcp difference within groups using min(total of abs(diff of pair hcp)). It will
provide the best Solution-1, and the second best Solution-2 from 2,000,000 data samples. Meanwhile these solutions will
present the lowest hcp difference between Group A and B when selecting which pair into which group. The estimated time you can get the results for 16 players:
6 seconds.
>> JT/JS vs JR/JZ {-0.2} .................... hcp(JT+JS-JR-JZ) = -0.2
>> LG/LD vs KJ/KL {0.48}
>> Group ABS Total/4: 0.17 .................... [abs(-0.2) + abs(0.48)]/4(# of group A players) = 0.17
>> Average HCP for Group A-B: 0.07 .................... Average HCP diff between Group A and B
Tip: on the result page, you can simply refresh the page and get the new result, no need to be back home and re-submit.
{Some new features} Select the feature radio button first
Tournament Ranking
KJ=80/JR=78/XT=85/CT=77 This is for tournament ranking input
CT 1 59.647 77 17.35
XT 2 63.54 85 21.46
JR 3 64.548 78 13.45
KJ 4 65.14 80 14.86
CT 1 77 59.647 17.35
JR 2 78 64.548 13.45
KJ 3 80 65.14 14.86
XT 4 85 63.54 21.46
HCP Query
KJ/Yi/MC/JS/SJ/KK=15 This is for all HCP index and group sum
SJ 14.23
KJ 14.86
KK 15.0
Yi 16.47
JS 20.55
MC 21.57
Sum 102.6719
Fixed Grouping
This is for manual lineup of South vs. North
[Solution] {TotalA - TotalB}
JT/KJ vs DY/HN {-0.52}
DW/Peter vs WeiY/YL {1.36}
Bill/Bry vs DX/LD {0.95}
James/Yi vs WXH/JH {1.55}
BH/DK vs YY/CT {1.95}
HFC/RC vs Quan/JZ {2.35}
Henry/Dennis vs WSL/DB {-1.66}
JS/MC vs Daniel/WH {-0.85}
KL/SC vs Zhu/Jack {-2.09}
Course Time Input
JS/DW/MC/YY 0 WB 250 [Note], or JS/DW/MC/YY 20230810 WB 250
To add course time(minutes) to DB, 0 for today's date
To retrieve players course time data:
Eg/Birdie Input
To add Eagle/Birdie count:
BH 0 SB e1 b2 Cool
< BH, today, SB, 1eagle, 2birdies, cool is a note >
DW/LD 20240225 MOW b3
< DW/LD, 20240225, MOW, 3birdies >
LX 20240301 QB e1
< LX, 20240301, QB, 1eagle >
DX 0 WB b2
< DX, today, WB, 2birdies >
Note: e1/b2, so far only small letters are allowed, NOT "E1/B2".
Eg/Birdie Query
To retrieve Eagle/Birdie status:
Brk80 Input
To add break 80 score:
BH 0 SB 75 Cool
< BH, today, SB, score75, cool is a note >
DW/LD 20240225 MOW 78
< DW/LD, 20240225, MOW, score78 >
LX 20240301 QB 72
< LX, 20240301, QB, score72 >
Brk80 Query
To retrieve break 80 status:
b. Retrieve Player Standings
You can only retrieve up to three players' standing each time.
Sequence: Select the player’s alias -> Build-List -> Submit
If you need more query than three, add a "?" in the alias list, refer to the above new features.
Player(s) statistics will show up. Zero in the “Last 10 Scores” means the player did not play on that day.
Each player’s headshot picture is displayed here. Click on an icon to enjoy his handsome face close-up.
The slide show (total 50, interval 2s) is intended to share players daily life moments, be it on course or off course. You can post your favorite shots in the group, or send to admin, who also keeps the music track updated every 5 minutes.
Year-round record of MMS activities. HIO, Eagle attempt, 360 rotate, Icy day...
E. Money Bag
This password protected function is accessible only by MMS Treasurer Jack.
F. Show Current Balance
MMS Treasurer updates Win/Loss record after each round and displays current balance here. Isn’t it exciting to find out that you won some prize after suffering sweating and sunburn in the hot summer or ass freezing in the chilling winter? In case your balance were negative, making people feel better is another way of being a good teammate!
G. Find This Doc
Click the top right "Happy to Help" red icon.
H. Courses Nickname
SB - Spooky Brook
QB - Quail Brook
GK - Green Knoll
WB - Warrenbrook
NV - Neshanic Valley
MOW - Mercer Oaks West
MOE - Mercer Oaks East
MV - Mountain View
HV - Hopewell Valley
MH - Makefield Highlands